The crisis of forced displacement and responses to COVID-19 in Latin America (Nov 2020 - Nov 2021)
The project aims to promote hemispheric collaboration between Latin American academics and key actors, facilitating dialogues that allow for a better understanding of the impacts of COVID-19 on the effective access and exercise of socio-economic rights of Venezuelan and Central American displaced populations in key destination countries in Latin America.
Financing: LASA-FORD Special projects
Product: Book "Migraciones y COVID-19 en América Latina: inclusiones y exclusiones en tiempos de "crisis".
Comparative analysis of the inclusion of migrant and refugee populations in responses to COVID-19 in seven Latin American countries (Jun - Sep 2020)
Analyze and compare to what extent migrants and refugees have been included in the political-institutional measures adopted since March 2020 to face the economic and health crisis associated with the COVID19 pandemic.
Evaluation of the political-institutional responses to COVID-19 in Latin America (Apr - May 2020)
Analyze the impacts of COVID19 and government practices for managing the health crisis on the access and exercise of the rights of migrants and refugees in different cities of transit and destination in Latin America.